12 Days Of Christmas!

We’re giving you the chance to stop by our studios to choose a present from under OUR Christmas tree! That’s right! You read that correct!! We’ve got it loaded down with a ton of great prizes, and the fun is…you never know what you’re gonna get til you come pick a gift & unwrap it! To win, just sign up below!

12 Days Of Christmas | Contest Rules

Prizes include and are not limited to:

Alter’s Gem Jewelers – Kendra Scott Earrings (ARV $250)

Women’s Center of Beaumont- $200 Visa Gift Card 

Bruno’s Italian Kitchen – $200 Restaurant Gift Card  

P&P Rentals and Supply- $200 Gift Card   

Cruz Events- $200 Gift Card 

Total Nutrition- Gift Basket (ARV $212) 

Moody Gardens – (3) Holiday Family 4-Packs” (ARV $400 each)

12 Days Of Christmas!

